People In London Tried To Label The 50 US States On A Map. These Are The Hilarious Results

November 26, 2014

The folks over at Buzzfeed asked their staff in London to try and label all the states on a US map. These are the hilarious results...

british people naming US states
Robin Edds for Buzzfeed

I like South Dakota's reasoning.

british people naming US states
Robin Edds for Buzzfeed

Have you ever been to ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ?

british people naming US states
Robin Edds for Buzzfeed

Must go to CAT state!

british people naming US states
Robin Edds for Buzzfeed

Those middle states really get a bad rep.

british people naming US states
Robin Edds for Buzzfeed


british people naming US states
Robin Edds for Buzzfeed

british people naming US states
Robin Edds for Buzzfeed

Atleast Jason Aldean took up for those "Flyover States"

british people naming US states
Robin Edds for Buzzfeed

british people naming US states
Robin Edds for Buzzfeed

british people naming US states
Robin Edds for Buzzfeed

british people naming US states
Robin Edds for Buzzfeed

british people naming US states
Robin Edds for Buzzfeed

America. Duh.

british people naming US states
Robin Edds for Buzzfeed

Home to Lake America.

british people naming US states
Robin Edds for Buzzfeed

And a bunch of NOPE.

british people naming US states
Robin Edds for Buzzfeed

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