Dad Writes Powerful Message About His 'Fierce And Feminine' Daughter

May 20, 2019

A father in Winnipeg decided to take his daughter to the park, but instead of bringing her bike, she wanted to bring her toy sword. Watching her play that day had a big impact on him.

"Our children are the best teachers," Adam said. "My daughter opens my eyes to things that the world doesn't show me, and sometimes shows me things the world just doesn't know how to communicate."

daughter takes sword to park instead of bike
Amelia / Credit: Adam Lardner

This is what Adam wrote on Facebook.

"Today my four-year-old daughter, Amelia, wanted to take her sword and shield to the park instead of her bike. We get to the park, and she starts running across the park swinging her sword at imaginary foes while screaming 'I'm a warrior princess!'

About 30 meters ahead, she turns around and yells 'Papa' to get my attention and then blows me a kiss. She immediately turns around and begins flailing her sword killing fictional hostiles again.

Don't let anyone tell you that women can't be both fierce and feminine. My four-year-old has it figured out."

He added:

"Not being a woman, I struggle to comprehend just how messed up the world can be for them sometimes. Here's hoping we can help open some more doors now so our daughters, and their daughters after that, can live life they way they choose."

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