Man Cures His Returning Cancer With Homemade Cannabis Oil Pills

July 21, 2014

A 63 year-old grandfather battling cancer claims he managed to cure himself of the disease using cannabis oil.

cannabis cured cancer

Mike Cutler was diagnosed in 2009 after blacking out at work - and was given a transplant in November that year. He was given the all-clear but says the disease came back in late 2012 - attacking the new organ he had been given.

Desperate to survive, he began to look online - and found a YouTube video which described the use of cannabis oil as a cure. After purchasing the drug through a dealer, he began to cultivate his own tablets from the oil, taking one capsule a day.

Three days after taking the drug, his excruciating pain disappeared.

In May this year, Cutler went for a biopsy at the Royal Free Hospital in London where doctors told him the new cancerous cells had vanished.

cannabis cured cancer

"All I had in those dark days was my laptop, and that's when I began searching for something else that could help me - I couldn't accept I was going to die. When I found out I was cured I was just completely shocked. I'm a normal family man, not a druggie. I had a serious illness and this helped."

He is now campaigning for changes in the law to allow the oil and other forms of cannabis to be legally used medicinally to treat other people.

Via Dailymail

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