A Boy With A Down Syndrome Twin Refused To Walk Across The Stage Without His Biggest Inspiration

July 1, 2014

Born just seconds apart, Austin and Ty Coppola came into this world together. But for the last 17 years the twin boys have faced very different obstacles.

Ty was diagnosed with Down syndrome.

When it was time for Austin to graduate from high school, he couldn't imagine crossing the stage without his brother. Even though Ty didn't attend the same high school, Austin insisted that he share the special day with his brother.

Cheryl Coppola says Austin told her, "Mom, Ty has worked harder than me, he has endured more challenges. Yeah, I've earned it, I worked hard, but he has worked hard in a different way."

Austin and Ty were the only two to receive a standing ovation. Just watch:

Via 13Wham.com

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