Student Athletes Gift Over 100 Scooters To Elementary Students On Valentine's Day

February 15, 2024

Today's good news story comes from Orland Park, Illinois.

Over 100 students at Fernway Park Elementary School were left in awe on Valentine's Day when they were surprised with brand new scooters, thanks to the generosity of a group of student athletes.

good news act of kindness

Buddy's Helpers, a nonprofit organization dedicated to inspiring student-athletes to make a positive impact both on and off the field, orchestrated the surprise gift for 102 lucky students. The school's auditorium buzzed with excitement as parents, teachers, and children gathered for what they believed was a routine presentation, unaware of the surprise awaiting them.

Fernway Park Elementary School Principal Sandy Hutchinson expressed her delight at the unexpected gesture, saying, "It was a well-kept secret. This is just amazing. Look at these kids' faces. The random acts of kindness that happen are just so much fun."

The student athletes from Buddy's Helpers worked tirelessly behind the scenes to make this surprise possible, embodying the organization's mission to encourage positive change in the community.

The hope is that this unexpected act of kindness will have a ripple effect, inspiring the recipients to pay it forward through their own random acts of kindness in the future.

Watch the good news video below.

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