'Was Totally Black From The Smoke': Firefighters Use Tiny CPR Mask, Save Dog From House Fire

February 8, 2024

Today's good news story comes from Lincolnshire, England.

On February 4th, firefighters in Lincolnshire responded to a house fire emergency. Despite the occupants being away, their beloved dog, Lottie, remained trapped inside.

good news
Credit: Lincolnshire Fire and Rescue

Firefighters successfully entered the smoke-filled residence through a rear kitchen door and managed to rescue Lottie, a small dog.

As fellow firefighters focused on suppressing the flames, Richard and Katie provided oxygen to Lottie, a normally fluffy white dog now completely blackened by smoke and unresponsive. Employing the specially designed pet CPR masks, generously contributed by the RSPCA and now standard on every fire appliance, Lottie exhibited signs of recovery after 20 minutes, with her eyes gradually opening.

Lottie was placed in an oxygen tent overnight and is expected to make a full recovery.

Credit: Lincolnshire Fire and Rescue

Kenny McLaughlin, the Crew Manager at Lincoln South fire station and incident commander, expressed pride in the swift actions of the firefighters.

"I'm very proud of the swift action taken by our firefighters at this incident. Although we are used to rescuing people and animals from properties, the effects of smoke on small animals is often too much for them. In fact the vet commented that in 15 years of witnessing pets pulled out of house fires, he had never seen one recover. We're so pleased that Lottie has been one of the lucky ones and that she is on the mend," he said.

The origin of the fire was traced back to an unattended candle.

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