Fathers Feel Closer To Their Kids Due To Coronavirus Lockdown Measures

June 23, 2020

A new study has revealed that fathers feel closer to their children as a result of COVID-19.

dads feel closer to kids covid-19

The study, released by the Canadian Men's Health Foundation (CMHF), found that in a survey of more than 1,000 Canadian fathers conducted in May, dads were seeing positive changes in their dynamic with their children.

"Even though families have faced stressors and challenges with COVID-19, we recognize that fathers have been granted a golden opportunity to take time to slow down and connect with their children," said Canada's Health Minister Adrian Dix.

"Many parents work full time and commute, and when that is taken away, they have more opportunities for togetherness, like a game of catch or going for a hike. Men's health is impacted by their living situations, and getting a little more physical activity with their kids is a little thing that makes a big difference. We can learn from this pandemic in more ways than we think."

During lockdown, 40% of the respondents felt COVID-19 has had a positive impact on their role as a father, 52% are more aware of their importance as a father, and 60% felt closer to their children. 49% have decided to be more engaged as a father in the future.

According to the study, almost two thirds of fathers have been providing companionship to their children more often during lockdown, and almost half plan to continue doing so as restrictions are lifted.

Likewise, 56% have been providing guidance to their children more often, with 46% planning to continue doing that as well.

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