Newspaper Deliveryman Has Made More Than 500 Grocery Store Runs for Seniors During The Pandemic

June 12, 2020

A newspaper deliveryman delivery man is being hailed a hero after making more than 500 grocery store runs for seniors amid the coronavirus pandemic.

newspaper delivery man groceries for 100 people

Over the last two months, Greg Dailey, 50, has made hundreds of grocery store runs for senior citizens living near his home in East Windsor, New Jersey.

Dailey said the idea came after an 88-year-old customer asked him to throw her newspaper closer to her garage when he was making his delivery rounds. He realized that if the woman needed help retrieving a newspaper a few steps from her door, she was going to need more help if she needed to go to the store.

So, he called her and asked if she needed anything from the store. After she accepted, the woman asked him if he could also help a neighbor across the street.

It took off from there.

"I deliver [newspapers] to 450 customers who live in senior developments," Dailey told CNN. "These are two people who live within a hundred feet of each other who can't get out to get groceries. What about the rest of them?"


Dailey placed a note in his newspapers that offered help to anyone who needed assistance — all free of charge.

"I understand during these trying times it is difficult for some to get out of their house to get everyday necessities," the note read. "I would like to offer my services free of charge to anyone who needs groceries, household products, etc."

Responses flooded in and soon his services expanded to people outside of his newspaper delivery route. Dailey's wife, three children and his mother-in-law have all pitched in by answering the phone and helping with shopping trips.

Dailey said he may continue the service even after the pandemic passes.

Watch the video below.

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