Teacher Adopts Student With Down Syndrome After Mom Dies From Cancer

November 23, 2019

A teacher in Ayer, Massachusetts, has adopted one of her students after his mother recently died of cancer.

teacher adopts student down syndrome after mom dies
Credit: WCVB

Jean Manning lived in Florida as a single mother to Jake, who has Down syndrome.

When Jake's life was upended from the home that he knew in Florida so that Jean could get the medical care that she needed in Massachusetts, it became clear that Jean was going to have more challenges involving getting Jake educated. Fortunately a school placement was found and Jake became settled into what would be his new normal.

That's when Jean and Jake met Kerry Bremer, someone who would become more than just a teacher to Jake.

"I fell in love with him instantly," Kerry told WCVB.

After talking with her husband, Kerry made Jean an offer.


"Kerry Bremer came to Jeanie as an angel on earth and stepped up and offered to bring Jake into her family of five should Jeanie's cancer win," Jean's friend Cheryl said.

So, Jean and the Bremer family worked together to slowly help Jake become familiar with what could turn out to be his new family. He spent weekends and holidays with them over the next few years.

jake manning with bremer family
Credit: WCVB

On November 13, Jean took a nap after a chemotherapy treatment and never woke up.

As promised, Kerry immediately pikced up Jake and is now in the process of helping him cope with what will be his new life.

"My mom went to heaven," Jake said. "She's always in my heart."

"We shared our boy and she will live on here in this house," Kerry said.

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