Mom Shares Son's Heartbreaking Question On Twitter. The Responses Have Been Amazing

November 4, 2019

A mother shared her son's heartbreaking question on Twitter and now people from all over the world are asking to be his friend.

boy autism asks mom if anyone would like him
David / Credit: Kerry Bloch

Kerry and Robert Bloch's son David suddenly stopped speaking at around 4 years old. To this day only talks in single words when prompted.

"He can go days without saying a word," Kerry said.

David also developed a severe immunodeficiency disorder that meant he needed to be isolated from other kids.

"He wants friends badly. He's home-schooled, and it's just the three of us," Kerry said. "I know he's lonely and he wants friends."

Last week, David asked his mother his first-ever question: "Would someone like me?"

Kerry shared his question on her Twitter account.

Responses have poured in from people around the world, who wanted to let David know he's not alone.

Kerry said the response to her tweet has been overwhelming

"I want to thank everyone who has responded to this tweet," Kerry posted. "I've read every reply to David. The outpouring of love to him is overwhelming. God bless each and every one of you. David is working on thank you card. I'll post when he’s done."

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