Couple Returns Diaper Bag Filled With Family's Life Savings

January 2, 2019

Two Good Samaritans found a diaper bag filled with cash and returned it to its rightful owner.

couple returns lost bag full of money to owner

A Vietnamese man, who is attending college in southern California and asked not to be named, thought he had lost his life savings when he, his wife and daughter visited a Christmas display in Long Beach and left without their bag after stopping for a photo.

The backpack contained his family's passports and $5,000 in cash.

Later that night Gabriel Ruiz and Gabriela Jauregui took a picture at the same spot and found the bag.

The pair waited a while to see if anyone would claim it, but when no one picked it up they looked inside for clues.

"We saw the wallet, opened that up and then there was just a ton of money in there," said Ruiz.

The next morning they found a secret compartment in the bag with contact details inside. They called the number and returned the bag to its delighted owner.

"Oh my God, I'm still shaking," the Vietnamese man said. "You just saved my life. Can I have a hug please?"

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