Woman Reunited With Lost Wedding Ring: 'I Truly Have Been Gifted A Christmas Miracle'

December 14, 2018

Amid busy holiday shopping in Shreveport, Louisiana, two women say a small miracle happened in a parking lot.

Shirley Ross stepped out of her vehicle last Wednesday in the parking lot of J.C. Penney and her heart stopped. She looked down and found a sparkling diamond ring on the ground.

Ross thought of taking it to the store's lost and found, but something inside told her she couldn't.

The diamond ring belonged to Shelley Wells, who said she took it off to put on lotion in her car. Forgetting she took it off, she went about shopping that day. Once she realized it was missing, she searched the parking lot to no avail.

So she turned to social media.

Her post was shared more than 3,000 times, but the woman who found the ring doesn’t have Facebook.

Fortunately, her daughter put a post on Facebook about the missing ring.

missing wedding ring found miracle

The next day Wells confirmed that her ring had been found!

But here's where things get real interesting.

Years ago, Ross took off her wedding ring while parked in her car. She too was putting lotion on her hands. And just like Wells, she got out of her car, forgetting the ring was there.

Ross never got her ring back, but feels the coincidences are too many and a higher power put her in this position.

"I just raised my hand in praise and I just thought isn't this just wonderful," Ross said.

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