Flight Attendant Takes Care Of Baby For Mom On 15-Hour Flight

April 28, 2018

A South African mother travelling alone with a baby on a 15 hour flight has praised a flight attendant for her incredible act of kindness.

flight attendant takes baby on long flight
Credit: Kate Whalley-Hands

Kate Whalley-Hands was on a flight from New York to Johannesburg on April 25 when South African Airways flight attendant Mavis Xotongo did something she was not expecting.

"A 15 hour flight (between 2 transits) is never an easy task for a parent travelling on their own to undertake," Whalley-Hands wrote on Facebook. "I had a massively proud to be South African moment yesterday when Mavis (on my SAA flight from New York to Johannesburg) took Imogen out of my arms and baleta'd her, and then carried on serving people so that I was able to eat my meal. 15 minutes later she returned to my seat with a fast asleep Immy. Mavis, thank you for being a rock star. I appreciate you."

flight attendant takes baby on long flight
Credit: Kate Whalley-Hands

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