Heroes rescue 8 children drowning in a lake

September 19, 2012

Eight children's lives were saved by a nearby family attending a reunion at Hagg lake in Gaston, Oregon.

According to witnesses, one child was out swimming in the lake not realizing there was a huge drop off point. After calling for help from his siblings, the others came to help only finding themselves in the same situation.

Struggling to stay afloat the children managed to scream for help, alerting a nearby family. The rescuing family rushed into the water to save the drowning children. One by one they passed the children to eachother in an effort to help them to the shore. For some of the children, it wasn't that easy.

Two of the rescuers told reporters they were literally reaching down in the water and feeling for hands, arms or any other body parts to bring the child back above the surface of the water.

"You couldn't see any of the other kids in the water, so I was just kind of reaching down trying to grab whatever I could," said Eric MacLean.

“One of the rescuers stepped on the hand or the leg of one the other children who was at the bottom that they had not seen. When she felt the child, they were able to pull that child out as well,” said Ken Bilderback, a spokesperson for the Gaston Fire Department.

Some of he children were not breathing on their own until the medical staff's arrival. In the end, each child was alive and breathing on their own.

If not for the few family members who quickly rushed to the rescue, these kids(ages 6-13) probably would not be here today. Although many people heard the cries for help, only a few reacted.

The local fire department is planning an event to honor these amazing heroes. Watch the news clip below.


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