This Mosque Opens Its Doors To Stray Cats So They Can Be Safe And Warm

January 18, 2016

In Istanbul, there's a mosque where you can pray alongside cats. The Aziz Mahmud Hüdayi Mosque's imam Mustafa Efe has been letting stray cats since last year.

mosque lets in cats to pray
Credit: Facebook

Mustafa calls the cats "guests" of the mosque and, as you can see, he's made them feel right at home.

mosque lets in cats to pray
Credit: Facebook

One of the cats felt so safe and comfortable at the mosque, she decided it would be a good place to raise her young ones.

Camimizin Cuma misafirleri, Bugün Hutbe de bizi bekleyen süpriz :)Kedicik şefkat ve merhametin merkezini bulmuş...

Posted by Mustafa Efe on Thursday, April 16, 2015

Mustafa had only kind words to say about the cats that surprised him during a Friday sermon.

"The kitty has found the heart of compassion and mercy," he wrote on Facebook.

mosque lets in cats to pray
Credit: Facebook

mosque lets in cats to pray
Credit: Facebook

mosque lets in cats to pray
Credit: Facebook

Sevimli Misafirlerimiz Ayaklandı...

Posted by Mustafa Efe on Monday, May 4, 2015

(h/t) the dodo.

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