A Waitress's Kind Act Moved These Tired Firefighters To Tears

July 25, 2015

After a long night on the job, New Jersey firefighters Paul Hullings and Tim Young stopped at a diner looking for a hot meal. What they got was much more.

tired firefighters note from waitress
Credit: Facebook

It was in the middle of the night, so Young and Hillings started talking to their waitress, Liz Woodward. After learning that they spent his night putting out a massive warehouse fire in North Brunswick – she decided to pick up the $15 tab.

"I started tearing up and it made me feel good – us firefighters are wanted, people care about us," he told the local news outlet.

My friend Paul Hullings went with Hainesport station 391 as part of Burlington county tender strike team to the...

Posted by Tim Young on Thursday, July 23, 2015

But that's not where this story ends. Her simple but generous act inspired the firefighters to pay it forward.

After they learned that Woodward is trying to raise money for her quadriplegic father, who is in need of a wheelchair-accessible van, both Young and Hullings decided to help out.

firefighters help waitress

Hullings said they will do whatever they can to help, including holding a fundraiser.

For more information or to donate, visit GoFundMe.

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