90 Year-Old Tortoise Gets A Second Chance At Life With New Set Of Wheels

April 29, 2015

Mrs. T was facing a grim future after a rat gnawed off her two front legs while she was hibernating in a garden shed.

After racking up $1500 in medical bills, owner Jude Ryder was still afraid she was going to have to put her 90 year-old tortoise down. As a last resort she turned to her mechanical engineer son for help.

His solution? Wheels.

tortoise gets wheels

"She took to them straight away, but she has had to learn how to turn and stop," Ryder said. "She can get a good speed up, much faster than before. Mrs. T is still quite young for a tortoise. She could go on for another 50 years - all she needs is a new set of tires every now and again."

turtle with wheels

"Her new set of wheels have saved her life. She has the run of the garden again and we can always find her because she leaves very strange tracks behind wherever she goes."

Watch Mrs. T in action below:

Credit: Telegraph.

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