Under A Sea Of Stars
By Joseph J. Mazzella • January 31, 2025
When I was a boy I never looked at the stars much. During the summer evenings I preferred reading a book or watching the television to being outside. As I got older I began to gaze up into the night sky more often, but we lived in a place with light poles that came on each night so I could only see a few dozen stars at the most. Still I enjoyed seeing their beauty.
One Summer night, however, I was picking up my daughter at a home in the country far off the beaten path. It was a clear sky that night and when I parked my car and got outside what I saw took my breath away. The entire sky above my head was an ocean of light, a sea of stars. I couldn’t believe the beauty of it. I felt the warm summer breeze blow on my face as I looked up at this indescribable beauty and my whole spirit felt uplifted. I could feel the Loving hand that created these billions of stars also touching my heart and my whole being was filled with peace, joy, and happiness.
I also felt very small and very large at the same time. I felt tiny when I realized the immensity of the Cosmos. Each of these stars was a sun and each one was millions upon millions of miles away. Yet, I could see the light from them all. But I also felt a oneness with them. I realized that I too was a part of God’s glorious creation and I too had a special place and a special purpose within it. It was just up to me to Live it.
I carry that memory of the night under a sea of stars in a special place in my soul. I thank God that I could see that beauty and realize that I too was a part of it. I thank God for this wondrous universe that He made for us. And most of all I thank God for the unconditional Love that He has for each one of us. I only hope to live my own life with all the Love I can, with all the wisdom I can, with all the joy I can, and with all the Light I can.
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