I Just Wanted To Say Thank You To The Kind Dad Yesterday

By A Friend • January 17, 2024

I just wanted to say thank you to the kind dad yesterday who made the time to stop and chat to my autistic 3 year old who was having a hard time due to the sensory overload.

To most he probably just seemed like a naughty child and it’s extremely hard and somewhat embarrassing always getting ‘the look’ from everyone passing by like you’re not doing a good job while your child is screaming and running amok or that you’re just ’letting’ them behave in an inappropriate manner.

Having mentioned he also had a 3 year old, this man spoke to my son so calmly and kindly and asked him questions about dinosaurs which deferred his attention and he eventually was able to get to a better emotional state.

Please be kind to parents (and children)… sometimes all is not what it seems.


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