It's The Little Things
By Judy Maduhu • June 28, 2023
"Enjoy the little things in life, for one day you’ll look back and realize they were the big things."
This quote has stuck with me since the first time I read it. And it just makes so much sense.
Just the other day I caught a cold, the flu really took a toll on me and made me feel so weak and just sleepy, you all know how flu can be driving. I woke up with a weak body, it was hard to even get out of bed, and how I wished it was a weekend already but lo, it was Monday y’all and I had to go to work. I dragged myself out of bed and made it to work. We have a care taker at work, we call her dada Lucy, who usually prepares some nice lunch for us, she noticed I was not okay and she was sorry for me.
As I was on my desk, checking the time to see if it’s even moving ha-ha, dada Lucy came with a homemade syrup to ease my itchy throat. Oh man, this melted my heart, I was so moved by her kind gesture and thoughtfulness. I mean, she didn’t have to do that but she went out of her way to make it for me. The thought of all this just got straight to my heart, I felt so good, I felt loved, I felt visible and it was a huge relief.
And I believe it’s the collection of these small kind gestures, these little things as we may call them that make life worth living. Its days like these that remind us of the power of the little things that most of the time go unnoticed, these days remind us that there are still good and kind people out there who always find ways to brighten up others, to lift them up and put a smile on their faces. And I believe we all can be like that, I believe every human being has that soft side to share with the world.
Throughout the day or week, your routine is most likely set and the little things happening during that time are the ones that are making a difference
• The days when I wake up fresh and early and eat breakfast.
• Good hair day. When I can’t stop admiring myself in the mirror.
• That perfect cup of coffee.
• Meeting a cute little child and getting to smile at him or her.
• A hearty conversation with a colleague.
• Appreciation at work.
• Crafting a greeting card from handmade papers that have been staring at me for days.
• Writing. Some thoughts or article.
• A walk in the evening. Listening to good music and enjoying the breeze.
• Staring outside the window with a nice mug of coffee or warm water.
• Cooking something successfully, without burning down the kitchen.
• Eating healthy the whole day. No junk food. Happy body. Happy mind.
• When good songs play on radio as I board a dala to work
• Crazy laughter sessions with friends.
• A nice and soothing talk with family.
• Watching a nice movie, curled up under the blanket.
These are just small things that happen to impact my life a lot. I usually sit at night and smile recalling these. These little things give hope and strength for doing more and doing better.
Life is made up of moments. And if you can collect these moments, you will never feel alone. The magic of starting to focus on these little things is that you will gradually shift your thoughts from what is missing in your life to what is there. It will create a little positive loop in your brain, feeding you with motivation and energy. You will start to create your own happiness bit by bit.
The little things are the biggest things and definitely the best things.
Therefore, as this weekend comes, Notice the little things around. Notice the small things that give you happiness, even if it is a minute short. If something makes your soul smile, note it and let it stick on your mind and be remembered during dull days that life may throw your way.
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