If You Find Yourself Constantly Making Excuses To The Things You Want To Do, Use The 'if, Then' Mindset

By A Friend • December 2, 2020

I use this "If, then" mindset quite often and it puts momentum to where I want to go and what I want to do. This can be a food for thought to some who struggles with taking action.

I discovered this when I was having this self-help stage in my life and I didn't find an easy explanation to this at the time. I only discovered this after reading tons of self help books and watching tons in youtube as well.

I created a simple blueprint for me to follow whenever I want something. It is the "If, then" mindset

So a great example of this is with a simple sentence:

I want to start working out, but I don't have the time.

I want to make art but I am too exhausted.

I want a camera but I have no money

Here is how to change that with the "if, then" rule:

-If I want to start working out, then I have to find a suitable schedule to do it.

-If I want to make art, then I have to figure out how to avoid exhausting myself.

-If I want to buy a camera, then I have to start budgeting to save from my daily allowance.

The formula is: If I want to (goal), then I have to (simple solution you can start right away then gradually progress)

It is a matter of finding the right question, to find the best answer. It can serve as a pathway or a guide to your goal rather than a full solution. A good practice is after asking this, you can start searching for the things you need to do to reach your goals:

The solution is I need to find suitable schedule for workout, then start to try working out in morning. if it wont fit then try lunch time tomorrow... Not again? Try night time... Not again?! Try weekends... (And so on)

This is a simple trick that I use to control my mind's belief of what is possible and what is not. It helps to give your mind a habit of thinking for solutions rather than thinking of excuses. It doesn't give you the solution at the first few times but the more you do it, the better answers you will get.

This formula can be useful to many things, The only thing to be cautious about this rule is to be careful with the questions you ask. It is important to choose wisely, and also to keep on asking and searching for the best answer.

I hope you guys got something from this, It is hard to master at first if you are used to excuses but you will get there :)


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