The Attitude

By Annz Del • June 3, 2016

We meet different kinds of people every day. some of them are already close to us and others are just acquaintances. You know them by their body language and the friends they have. But do you know the true attitude of that person? sometimes we easily judge others by our first impression, by believing others gossip. Each in everyone has its own attitude. An attitude that we adopt to our parents and guardians. In psychology, human behavior depends on the beliefs and feelings. that's why everyone is unique. We posses good and bad traits. Honestly, I pity to those people who are impulsive and judgmental. Maybe they have tragic moments in life that they tend to give the stress to others. Maybe the knowledge they have is not huge as mine to understand people around. Small minds and poor attitude are sick people. We should understand them and forgive them. We help them to realize that everything is not about hate and gossip. Accept them for they need much attention and love. View the positive side of the person than fighting with them. This is life, a reality to face and keep going right. Thanks to those person throwing gossip behind my back. Hey, you made me more stronger and famous.


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