A Reminder

By Cade • December 22, 2015

After a long day at work I made a trip up to the local Walgreens in my neighborhood.

As I got out of my car I noticed a guy with worn clothing, slouched over and he was taking the last drags off of his cigarette.

I stopped off and asked if there was anything I could get him. Shocked he looked up and said "a roast beef sandwich if they have one?" They had everything but roast beef. I went back out and asked if he could wait for a bit while I run across to the local market to get his sandwich. I think at this point he assumed I wasn't going to be back.

While waiting I also decided to get him a pack of cigarettes.

As I started walking back the rain started pouring down and I could see him getting his backpack on, possibly heading somewhere else to get some shelter. I called out and gave him the stuff. He reached out his hand and said "You don't know how much this means to me, I was starting to lose hope in the guy upstairs but you reminded me that he does care". His words touched my soul and it's a moment that I'll never forget.

A reminder that what originally may have seemed so small to me can mean the world to someone else - and that made me realize it meant the world to me as well.


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