Couple Finds $100,000 In Safe While Magnet Fishing In NYC

June 4, 2024

During a sunny afternoon in Queens, New York, an ordinary hobby turned into a life-changing find for James Kane and Barbi Agostini. The couple, who have been magnet fishing together for nearly a year, discovered a safe containing $100,000 in cash while exploring Flushing Meadows Park.

couple finds 100k in safe magnet fishing NYC
Let's Get Magnetic

James and Barbi began magnet fishing during the COVID-19 pandemic, seeking a unique way to spend time outdoors. Magnet fishing involves using a strong magnet attached to a rope to retrieve metal objects from the bottom of bodies of water.

Over the past year, their expeditions have yielded an array of items, from cell phones and jewelry to guns, all of which they have chronicled on their YouTube channel "Let's Get Magnetic".

couple finds 100k in safe magnet fishing NYC
James and Barbi / Let's Get Magnetic

"This is just one of the stops on my list, which is Flushing Meadows Park, a beautiful historical area from the World's Fair," James explained. "I just sense it; I can feel it," he added, referring to his uncanny ability to locate hidden treasures. "It sounds kind of corny, but I honestly believe that I can sense where everything is."

On this particular trip, James's intuition proved correct.

The couple hauled up a safe encrusted with sludge and grime. Inside, they found stacks of cash, which they estimate to be worth up to $100,000. The discovery left them both stunned and exhilarated.

couple finds 100k in safe magnet fishing NYC
Let's Get Magnetic

After contacting the New York Police Department, they were informed that, due to the lack of serial numbers on the safe and no identifiable way to trace the owner, they were legally entitled to keep the money.

Their next step is to take the deteriorated cash to the Bureau of Engraving and Printing in Washington, D.C., to begin the currency redemption process.

couple finds 100k in safe magnet fishing NYC
Let's Get Magnetic

With their newfound wealth, James and Barbi are eager to fulfill a lifelong dream: buying a home for their family of five in New York City.

Watch the interview with James and Barbi below.

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