Duke, Beloved Mayor Of Minnesota Town, Has Passed Away
February 28, 2019
This is Duke, a Great Pyrenees.
He was first elected mayor of Cormorant Village, MN, as a write-in candidate in 2014.
Duke went on to be elected four times.
In 2016, literally everyone in the village voted for him.
Every single ballot cast in the 1,000-person town's mayoral election was for Duke.
His responsibilities included appearing in parades, acting as town ambassador and hanging out at the local pubs in his top hat.
Sadly, Duke passed away last week at the age of 13. He served with great honor and fluffy passion.
"Our beloved mayor Duke went to doggie heaven today," his owners wrote on Facebook. "He will be greatly missed. we will have a memorial for him in march or April at the Cormorant town hall. Thanks to all who express their condolences it means a lot of hard times like this. Sincerely, Karen and Dave."
RIP Duke.
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