Artists Turn One Of Mexico's Most Dangerous Neighborhoods Into One Giant Mural

August 3, 2015

In hopes to revitalize one of Mexico's most dangerous neighborhoods, artists known as the Germ Collective have spent 14 months turning the hillside neighborhood of Las Palmitas into a giant, colorful mural.

mexican village painted bright colors
Facebook/Germen Crew

According to the German Crew Nuevo Muralismos of Mexico, the project involved the participation of 452 families (1,808 people) living in the neighborhood.

mexican village painted bright colors
Facebook/Germen Crew

Working hand-in-hand with residents, muralists have painted the facades of 200 homes bright lavender, lime green, incandescent orange – hues more commonly found in a bag of Skittles than in the drab, cement-and-cinder block neighborhoods where many of Mexico's poor people live.

mexican village painted bright colors
Facebook/Germen Crew

Project director Enrique Gomez said the goal is to promote community integration and change the negative image of the neighborhood.

"I never thought we would have such a big impact," said Gomez, a former gang member who turned his life around when he rededicated himself to graffiti art and muralism.

mexican village painted bright colors
Facebook/Germen Crew

"Honestly, what surprises me the most is that people are really changing," Gomez said. "They are growing – there is more community spirit. People are taking the security of their neighborhood into their own hands."

mexican village painted bright colors
Facebook/Germen Crew

Reception of the project has been so positive that plans are in the works to paint another poor neighborhood.

Source: The Guardian.

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