The Incredible Moment This Man Finds His Dog In The Streets 3 Years After He Lost Him

October 8, 2018

A man in Tbilisi, Georgia, had lost his dog about three years ago and received a phone call from a shop owner to let him know that a dog which looks a lot like his was sleeping in front of her shop.

He made the trip and as he approaches he is in disbelief, commenting that it really does look just like him.

"Zhora is that you? Georgie?" he says in the video.

The reaction of the dog says it all.

"Georgie it is you! Aww sweet boy, how are you boy?" the man says.

Then the man says to the shop owner, "He's been lost for three years. I've been looking for him. He recognized me, can you imagine? Can you take a photo of us?"

Watch the incredible reunion below!

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