A FUNeral: Family Hosts Party To Celebrate Loved One By Doing All His Favorite Things

May 31, 2024

In the face of loss, one family decided to honor their beloved Brandon in a truly unique and heartwarming way. Instead of a somber ceremony filled with tears, they chose to celebrate his life with a FUNeral—a joyful gathering where guests could partake in all of Brandon's favorite activities.

At this special party, guests were invited to indulge in the things that brought Brandon joy. From painting to sharing good music, and even enjoying popsicles, every aspect of the celebration reflected Brandon's vibrant personality and the things he held dear.

One commenter beautifully captured the essence of the occasion, stating, "A funeral that leaves people feeling the way he always made them feel is so special."

This sentiment encapsulates the spirit of the event perfectly—a celebration of life, love, and cherished memories.

Sicily Wilcock, a friend of the family, shared a video of the festivities to TikTok.

"Although there were still many tears shed that night, it didn't feel as 'heavy' as funerals I've been to in the past. Katie and her 3 little kids were often found smiling and laughing, surrounded by friends, family, and loved ones," Wilcock told 12News.


We will miss you Brandon. Thanks for all the laughs and love!

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