Iowa Middle Schooler Honored For Life-Saving Act Of Kindness

February 4, 2025

Sometimes, the smallest act of kindness can change a life— or even save one.

That’s exactly what happened in Ankeny, Iowa, when middle school student Carter Luetje started a simple conversation with a fellow student.

teen saves peers life with conversation
Carter Luetje / Iowa Local 5 News

What Carter didn’t know at the time was that his classmate had been planning to take his own life. Officials later confirmed that the student had it all planned out, but Carter’s kindness made him reconsider. That moment of connection changed everything.

On Monday night, Carter was recognized for his life-saving gesture during an Ankeny School Board meeting. He was presented with an award that read: "No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted."

Humbled by the recognition, Carter told a local news station that he’s simply grateful his classmate is now thriving. His story serves as a powerful reminder that kindness— even in its simplest form— can make all the difference.

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