A Mom Saved Another Mom's Life After Seeing A Flyer In Her Son's Taekwondo Studio

April 23, 2024

Today's good news story comes from Atlanta, Georgia.

In a heartwarming tale of compassion and human connection, Amanda Hayhurst, a mother of two from Georgia, saved the life of Vonchelle Knight, a single mother desperately in need of a kidney transplant, after spotting a flyer in her son's taekwondo studio.

moms helping moms
Amanda Hayhurst is with Vonchelle Webb Knight

The flyer, boldly declaring "OUR MOM NEEDS A KIDNEY," caught Amanda's attention and tugged at her heartstrings. It detailed Vonchelle's eight-year-long quest for a kidney donor, painting a poignant picture of a mother's struggle to stay alive for her two daughters.

"My heart broke as I thought about how desperately this woman needed a kidney and how desperately her girls needed their momma," Amanda shared, recalling the moment she felt an overwhelming urge to help. "In the middle of that busy taekwondo studio, God was calling me to donate my kidney to a woman I had never met."

mom donates kidney to stranger mom
The flyer / Credit: Amanda Hayhurst

Months of tests and blood work followed, culminating in the incredible news that Amanda was a perfect match for Vonchelle. As the surgery date approached, the two women had the opportunity to meet and form a bond that transcended their initial connection as donor and recipient.

"We were able to meet on December 12, and I love her so much already. She has the sweetest soul," Amanda gushed, just one month before the life-changing surgery took place at Atlanta's Piedmont Hospital.

The surgery was a success, marking the beginning of a beautiful friendship between the two once-strangers. Now, Vonchelle and Amanda speak to each other every day, cherishing the newfound closeness that their shared experience has brought into their lives.

"Vonchelle is now one of my cherished friends, and we love meeting with our families every year to celebrate our kidney anniversary," Amanda joyfully shared, highlighting the enduring bond that has blossomed from a chance encounter and a selfless act of kindness.

This inspiring story serves as a reminder of the power of compassion, the strength of human connection, and the extraordinary lengths to which one mother went to save the life of another.

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