She Saved A Man's Life. 6 Years Later, She Saved His Daughter's Life

July 21, 2023

In an awe-inspiring sequence of events spanning over six years, a remarkable woman has emerged as the guardian angel for one family, rescuing a man from a life-threatening situation and later saving his daughter's life.

good news heroes
Molly Jones, John Cunningham, Kristi Hadfield / Credit: Bob Hadfield

Six years ago, Kristi Hadfield was a paramedic who saved John Cunningham's life when he was having a heart attack.

"When he went into cardiac arrest, I remember being in the back of the ambulance and I was like, 'Not today John, not today,'" Hadfield recalled. She performed chest compressions until he got to the hospital. Fortunately, they "were able to get him back."

Hadfield stayed in touch with Cunningham through social media, as she often does with former patients. She also became Facebook friends with his daughter, Molly Jones, after Jones sent her a friend request.

Six years later, on July 7, 2022, Jones shared on Facebook that she was officially on the kidney transplant list. She was ill with advanced kidney disease. Although she found it hard to ask for help, she went on social media to see if anybone would consider donating.


"And when I posted it, all of a sudden I just got this message from Kristi," Jones, 42, said.

"I messaged her and I said, 'Hey, I've got your kidney here'," Hadfield recalled.

"She said to me, 'Listen, kid, I saved your dad and I'm going to save you too'," Jones added.

Hadfield was eventually cleared to donate and the two women met for the first time a week before the procedure. And on December 27, the transplant finally took place.

The transplant went as planned and was successful.

good news heroes
Hadfield and Jones / Credit: Bob Hadfield

"It was amazing. I felt like I was alive again. The difference is just unbelievable. Kristi gave me back my life," Jones said.

"I'm glad to have her in my heart and I'm glad if somebody had my kidney, she's the one that has it," Hadfield said.

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