He Was Laid Off From His Job. Now He's Mowing Lawns For Seniors At No Charge

September 1, 2020

A New Jersey man has been mowing lawns for senior citizens and veterans at no charge.

He says he wanted to do some good amid the pandemic.

man mows lawns free for seniors
Brian Schwartz

Brian Schwartz, a former VP of a digital advertising agency in New York, was laid off in mid-June due to the COVID-19 crisis.

He decided to spend his time giving back while he searched for a new job.

"I just want to do good," Schwartz said. "It feels good, it feels right, following my heart."

I want to mow your lawn
Brian Schwartz

Schwartz launched the website iwanttomowyourlawn.com where people can request his services. He also included a link for gas money donations.

With bills mounting and a newborn at home, Schwartz said he believes in good karma.

"It's been a really tough stretch the last few months for all of us," he said. "It's stressful and I just wanted to put some good out there."

man laid off mows lawns free
Brian Schwartz

After local news stations picked up Schwartz' story, he has more and more people calling him for his services, as well as calls offering to help.

"I just want to do good," Schwartz said. "It feels good, it feels right, following my heart."

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