Mother And Daughter Graduate Med School Together, Get Matched At The Same Hospital

June 4, 2020

A mother and daughter recently graduated from medical school and now they they will be working together at the same hospital.

mother daughter graduate med school together
Cynthia Kudji and Jasmine Kudji / Credit: UMHS

Cynthia Kudji and her daughter Jasmine attended medical school at the same time, although miles apart from one another.

Cynthia graduated from the University of Medicine and Health Sciences (UMHS) in St. Kitts while Jasmine graduated from Louisiana State University School of Medicine in New Orleans.

The two were thrilled to receive news on Match Day that they will both be working at LSU Health beginning on July 1.

Cynthia was matched in Family Medicine and Jasmine in General Surgery, according to UMHS — which added that they are the first mother and daughter duo to attend medical school at the same time and match at the same institution.

Cynthia, who's originally from Ghana, put her dreams of becoming a doctor on hold when she was pregnant with her daughter at just 23-years-old. At age 43, she decided to pursue her medical degree.

Her daughter simultaneously began med school at LSU. The two said the road hasn't been easy but they are glad to have finally completed a major part of their journey.


"I think initially it was difficult because my mom and I have always been really close so I had to get used to the distance, we had to learn how to FaceTime and Skype each other, so we were Skyping each other every day and whenever I had struggles and she had struggles, we just had to learn to communicate from a distance," Jasmine told UMHS. "But I think over time we figured it out."

After their challenging journey, Cynthia and Jasmine said they are excited to begin the next phase of their careers and once again be living in the same state.

"I always tell people we laugh together, we study together, we cry together," Jasmine said. "I think medical school is one of those experiences that you don't truly understand until you're in it. Sometimes people struggle to find someone who relates to their struggles, so for that person to be my mom was extremely helpful."

mother daughter graduate med school
Credit: UMHS

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