Teacher Missed Her Students So Much, She Knitted Dolls Of All Of Them

May 23, 2020

A primary teacher in the Netherlands missed her students so much she knitted a doll to represent each one of them.

teacher knits dolls of students
Credit: Ingeborg Meinster-Van der Duin

Miss Ingeborg is a teacher of the Bavinck school in Haarlem. The school had closed early due to COVID-19 like all schools around the world.

"It was all up and running that the school closed. It all hit me like this. The children were no longer in school. And I miss them so much," she said.

One day while browsing Pinterest, she saw a knitted doll. Without any lessons, she decided she was going to knit a doll for each of her 23 students.

teacher knits dolls of students
Ingeborg Meinster-Van der Duin

The teacher clothed the dolls to each student's preference. The girls who wore cardigans to school, she made cardigans for on their doll. The boys that wore sweaters, had sweaters. She even included details like freckles and glasses.

When the students came to the school one by one to collect their belongings, she gave out the dolls to the children, who were really excited to see them in person.

Her students loved the dolls so much, Miss Ingeborg says she plans to make them each year for her students.

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