Nurse Writes Letter To New Mom Who Has COVID-19 And Can't Hold Her Baby

May 3, 2020

Abi Bordelon and Brittany Prevost didn't know each other until April 23. They've barely even seen each other in person, but they share a bond that is unique and likely to outlast this global pandemic.

good news
The Bordelon family / Photo: Abi Bordelon

Brittany, 31, is a nurse at Our Lady of Lourdes Women's and Children's Hospital in Lafayette, LA, who is caring for Abi's newborn child, Remington.

Due to Abi testing positive for COVID-19, nurses brought baby Remi to an isolation pod in the nursery immediately after he was born. The baby was tested at 24 hours old and again at 48 hours. He had no respiratory or feeding issues but had to remain isolated from mom and others until his tests returned negative.

"I was not allowed to hold him or see him in person at all," Abi told The Town Talk. "They took him away the second he was born."

Brittany was heartbroken for Abi. She thought of her own son, who's almost 2 years old now. She updated Bordelon over portable phones at the hospital, but it never felt like enough.

So, she wrote her a letter, mom to mom.

nurse letter to mom newborn baby quarantine
Photo: Abi Bordelon

The note read:

"I want to start off by introducing myself. I am your baby's nurse today (4/23/20). My name is Brittany. I felt compelled to write this to you because my heart aches for you. I just fed your precious baby boy Remington and he is the sweetest.

After his feeding I held him, snuggled him, and cuddled him, and then I cried! I cried sad tears for you because I couldn't even imagine how hard it must be for you. I cried sad tears for him because he has not gotten to love on his mommy.

I cried happy tears because out of all of this craziness, he is a beautiful healthy baby boy. I fed him and then held him tight and we rocked, as he fell into his best sleep that I have ever seen on a newborn baby.


I want you to know that he was loved today and that I treated him as he was my own. Even though you aren't able to be with him at this time, he is being loved on your behalf. I told him today, 'your mommy and your daddy love you!' Trust me, he knows it and we all know it here too.

So despite all of the craziness right now, I just want you to feel comfort in that I, as well as his other nurses, are doing our part to let him know that it is ok and he is so loved. I so wish that I could give you the biggest hug right now and tell you how great of a mom you are.

I know this is hard, but we will get through it together. May God bless you and your family!

With love, Remington's nurse Brittany."

Abi was able to hold her baby after testing negative for the virus about a week later. She shared a photo of the note Brittany wrote on social media the day she and Remi were discharged from the hospital.

"I wanted to post this sweet letter that Remi's nurse wrote to Nick and I," Abi said. "This shows how absolutely amazing all of these health care workers are and they deserve the highest level of recognition for what they do. I wish I could give every single one of them a hug.

"Brittany was an angel sent from heaven to us. She didn't have to write that note, but she did anyway and it truly made the biggest impact on us. She will always hold a special place in our hearts, and I will be keeping her note forever."

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