A World War II Veteran Got His High School Diploma At 95

November 11, 2019

Last week, a high school in Oklahoma honored a 95-year-old veteran who fought in World War II instead of graduating high school.

veteran gets high school diploma at 95

Corporal Lewie Shaw received his high school diploma more than 70 years after he left school and joined the Marines.

Shaw enlisted in 1943.

He fought in Tinian, Saipan and Iwo Jima. He was wounded fighting for his country.

"One come out with a phosphorus grenade got me across the backside," he told KJRH. "And I didn't want to tell anybody. A good Marine doesn't get shot in the back."


After the war, Shaw worked for a lumber company for 30 years and then went into business with his son. All without his high school diploma.

But Thursday, at 95 years old, he had his graduation ceremony. Shaw put on a red cap and gown over his military uniform to receive the diploma in Claremore High School's gym.

"It's a thrill," he said.

"The sacrifices they made are real," said Bryan Frazier, superintendent of Claremore Public Schools. "The ability for us to be able to speak the way we speak and experience the things we experience are directly related to their sacrifices. And I think we should be grateful for that. And we always want to recognize them."

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