9-Year-Old Boy Stopped From Doodling In School Gets Hired To Draw At A Restaurant

November 8, 2019

A 9-year-old boy in England who has gotten in trouble for doodling in school now has free rein to draw all he wants on a restaurant wall.

boy doodles for restaurant
LinkedIn / Greg Whale

Joe Whale's art teacher noticed his talent and posted a few photos on Instagram, which caught the eye of a local restaurant, Number 4.

Now, Joe is able to draw all he wants at the restaurant.

After school, his dad Greg Whale takes him to the restaurant where he fills the wall for hours. Greg posted pictures of his work on LinkedIn last week, which has over 33,000 reactions as of this writing.

boy doodles for restaurant
LinkedIn / Greg Whale

"Joe loves doodling and we're so proud of everything he's achieving," Greg told Metro. "The fact that a completely independent business has asked our nine-year old son to do a professional piece of work for them is incredible."

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