When This Hospital Patient Said He Wanted To Get Married, The Staff Made It Happen

January 21, 2019

It wasn't the fanciest of weddings, but it was perfect in every way.

The staff at Adventist Health in Willits, California, went above and beyond to help a patient marry the love of his life.

hospital staff marriage
Credit: Adventist Health

This is what Adventist Health wrote:

"When we say we go the extra mile for our patients, we meant it.

That's why when one of our patients in the ICU said he wanted to marry the love of his life, our staff sprang into action and made it happen!

Steve and Shilynne had been together for 23 years and always wanted to get married.

But life happened and got in the way so they never got around to it.

A few days before the wedding, Steve received devastating news about his condition.

Fearing that he would run out of time to make this life-long wish come true, that morning, Steve told one of our staff that he wanted to get married, who then told our chaplain, Dennis Long who happened to be an ordained minister.


Dennis then worked with our staff, who was a notary public to get the marriage license and even picked it up in Ukiah.

Thanks to everyone's efforts, what would normally take 5 weeks, happened in a matter of hours (thank you County employees!)

We got a bridal bouquet, wedding rings from a local store and a wedding cake and the staff planned a wedding in 3 hours.

In front of friends and family and hospital staff, and amidst overflowing joy and tears, Steve and Shilynne professed their undying love and sealed it with a kiss.

Thank you, Steve and Shilynne, for allowing us to be part of this perfect moment.

We are forever inspired by your story, courage and love.


hospital staff marriage
Credit: Adventist Health

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