A Father And His 2 Sons Cut Wood To Fill 80 Trucks, Then Brought It To Homes That Needed Heat

December 26, 2018

A father and his two sons chopped enough wood to fill 80 pickup trucks and they had no intentions of selling it.

They gave it all away to people in need this winter.

father and sons chop wood for needy
Credit: Shane McDaniel

"We had our first big freeze now and that's why this is so important," wrote Shane McDaniel. "If you know someone who BURNS WOOD, and their looking at a cold house this holiday season; maybe someone elderly or with small children in the house...then please help us help them.

My boys and I have cut and split nearly 40 cords of firewood this summer. It is seasoned and ready to warm homes where it is truly needed. It is more firewood than most people have ever seen, as I'm sure anyone who has driven past my house has noticed."

father and sons chop wood for needy
Credit: Shane McDaniel

"The Norms crew is standing by ready to help stack and deliver. Please remember it's not for sale at any price. We get lots of offers. Too much blood and sweat to do that.


So please....help me and my boys find the right homes that need heat and make sure NO ONE GOES COLD IN OUR HOOD this holiday season."

father and sons chop wood for needy
Credit: Shane McDaniel

McDaniel lives in Lake Stevens, Washington, where a cord costs about $400. The McDaniels had 40 of them.

After receiving hundreds of messages, McDaniel says he plans to cut at least 100 cords next year.

"I had no intention of doing this every year," McDaniel said. "But read through my messages, and you'll understand."

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