Robert Downey Jr. Sends Young Iron Man Fan With Cancer A Special Message

October 15, 2018

A 7-year-old boy with brain cancer has received an encouraging message from his favorite superhero.

robert downey jr sends video to kid cancer
Jackson / RDJ

Jackson Tijerina from Council Bluffs, Iowa, was diagnosed with brain cancer in 2016 and is currently taking an experimental oral chemotherapy drug his family gets through St. Jude Children's Hospital.

Jackson is a huge Iron Man fan and even has a medical port in the center of his chest, similar to the chest piece Tony Stark has to give him his power.

Jackson's mother, Amy, has put together a special bucket list of things Jackson would like to do to ensure that he has positive experiences along the way. Meeting "the real Iron Man — Tony Stark" was the number one item on the list.

So, Amy put the special request out on social media in hopes that someone could help her out.


Word had spread and eventually Robert Downey Jr. responded to the special request with a personalized video message for little Jackson.

"Jackson, is that you? Hi! It's Robert Downey Jr., but you can call me Tony. Thinking about you, stay strong, know that my prayers are with you, and also, you know, life is challenging. And you are just the man for the job. So lots of love."

Amy said Jackson was thrilled to watch the video.

"He was jumping up and down, and he was smiling from ear to ear," she said. "He was so excited and I was crying."

Watch the video below.

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