High School Senior Wins Homecoming Queen, Then Puts On Helmet And Wins Football Game

September 11, 2018

A high school senior in Ocean Springs, Mississippi was crowned homecoming queen on Friday night. Three hours later she kicked the game-winning point in overtime for the school's football team.

Kaylee Foster wins homecoming queen and kicks game winning point football
Kaylee Foster | Credit: @KaylaRBeatty / Twitter

Kaylee Foster was crowned the 2018 Ocean Springs High School homecoming queen during pregame festivities on Friday night.

Once the congratulations and photos were complete, she returned to the fieldhouse, changed into her football uniform and joined her teammates on the sideline for the Greyhounds' homecoming football game with George County.

Foster ended up kicking two field goals in a game that ended regulation tied at 6-6. In overtime she kicked the game-winning extra point as Ocean Springs beat the Rebels 13-12.

"I really don't have any words," Foster said after the game, standing on the field in her football uniform, topped with her queen's tiara. "This has just been so wonderful. I love football and I love Ocean Springs."


Head coach Ryan Ross acknowledged the uniqueness of what unfolded in the win.

"I'd like to check the whole country and see if it's ever happened before," Ross said of the school's homecoming queen winning the football game. "It certainly makes for a memorable weekend for the whole team, but especially Kaylee. It's a big night for her. I'm proud of her and I'm proud of the team."

Foster said she was more nervous about winning homecoming queen than making the game-winning kick.

"I was pretty sure I wasn't going to be homecoming queen, but I was pretty sure I was going to make that kick."

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