Egyptian Fan Is Lifted By Mexican And Colombian Fans So He Can See His Team Play

June 18, 2018

The World Cup brings people together from all backgrounds.

During Egypt vs Uruguay, Mexican and Colombian fans showed the spirit of the World Cup as they lifted up a disabled Egyptian fan so he could see the screen at the FIFA fan zone in Moscow.

mexican and colombian fans hold up egyptian fan in wheelchair acts of kindness world cup
Credit: Twitter / @Omar__cr7_

After the photo was posted on Twitter, people from all over the world have praised the heartwarming gesture.

"Football brings people together and thats the beauty of the game," one user wrote.

"Truly proud that our nation's could get together to lift up another," wrote another.

In a similar photo, Mexican fans can be seen giving their sombreros to a handicapped Russian fan.

acts of kindness world cup

"I am not a man who has a deep appreciation for soccer, but this picture represents the kind of world I want to live in," another user commented.

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