Robert Downey Jr. Makes Terminally-Ill Boy's Dream Come True

March 28, 2018

Robert Downey Jr. spent time with a terminally ill boy on Saturday, making his dream come true.

robert downey junior meets terminally ill boy

8-year-old Aaron Hunter from West Dunbartonshire, Scotland, has a rare, life-threatening syndrome called ROHHAD (Rapid-onset obesity with hypothalamic dysfunction, hypoventilation, and autonomic dysregulation). The disease affects the autonomic nervous system and causes previously healthy children to gain weight and develop breathing difficulties.

He posted a video online asking for help from his hero, Iron Man.

The video had thousands of retweets and it eventually reached The Avengers star.

Robert Downey Jr. made Aaron's dream come true by dropping in and spending time with him last weekend. The actor is also raising money for the ROHHAD Association to find a cure.

robert downey junior meets terminally ill boy ROHHAD

Aaron's mom Lisa Hunter thanked Robert Downey Jr. on Facebook for making her son so happy.

"Our beautiful Brave Boy and brother this memory will never leave us, it has been magical. We have never seen Aaron this happy until now. His Big Heart is full of HOPE! and the best is yet to come with the help this will bring all of the children fighting ROHHAD as Robert fulfils Aarons wish in full.

Special Thanks to Robert Downey Jr and Team Downey for their Incredible support and promise to Help. The Hope all the families now have would not be happening without YOU.

To all who HELP and Support the ROHHAD Association we say a MASSIVE THANK YOU it is with your help we're gonna find a cure!"

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