Student With Down Syndrome Nails Backwards Half-Court Shot

January 18, 2018

student with down syndrome hits backwards half court shot
Credit: Mike O'Brien / West Point News

A Nebraska teen with Down Syndrome nailed a backwards half-court shot at halftime during a high school basketball game, and a video of the moment has gone viral.

The video of James Meiergerd's trick shot has also drawn attention from a skilled team that truly appreciates it: the Harlem Globetrotters.

The Globetrotters have invited Meiergerd to be their special guest when they play in Omaha in April.

Matt Hinkel, a teacher at West Point-Beemer High School and assistant basketball coach, said Meiergerd is a wonderful young man.

"The kids love him, and it's great to see how they respond to him," he said. "He's one of them."

Watch the video below.

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