20-Year-Old Pony Washed Away In Floodwaters Returns Home 13 Days Later

March 22, 2017

A pony swept away in floodwaters 13 days ago has returned home caked in sand but otherwise healthy.

horse washed away in flood returns

Voice, a 20-year-old thoroughbred mare, was caught up in one of the three storms that hit New Zealand's North Island two weeks ago.

"Where she came from, I have no idea, because we've scoured every part of that river over and over again," Liz Currie, who cares for Voice, said.

"She's obviously been stuck on a bank somewhere because she was a real mess.

"I've given her a bath to try and get some of the mud and that off her, but it's all river sand."

But Currie said other than a few scratches, the pony has no injuries.

"[But] she is quite thin. She's obviously been somewhere with no food," she told Fairfax. "She's certainly needing a bit of care now."

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