Flash Mob Surprises Mom Battling Cancer With Love And Money
December 9, 2016
The Praynksters are known for pulling off random acts of kindness for people going through tough times. This time they surprised a 30-year-old mother in Nampa, Idaho.
In October, Amanda Kofoed was diagnosed with Stage 3 Hodgkin's lymphoma.
The Praynksters crew invited Amanda and her husband to a coffee shop. The couple thought they were there to make a GoFundMe video. Instead, the Praynsters were there to film their reaction to the most dramatic generosity.
Nearly 200 people lined up to enter the coffee shop holding $100 bills.
Each person laid the money on the Kofoed's table.
The flash mob brought in more than $13,000.
"I was overwhelmed with how much I was loved and how hopeful it felt," Kofoed said.
Kofoed, who is also a mom to four children - ages 7, 6, 4 and 3 - plans to return to school to finish her elementary school teaching degree next fall. She was about halfway through the semester when she found out about her cancer.
"I think the main thing my husband and I want to communicate is how blessed we are, and we receive their love.
"We really see this as how God is loving us and how we can share love with one another. We didn't expect what we received."
Watch the video here:
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