Nurse Goes Above And Beyond For Sick Children That Can't Play Outside In The Snow

January 28, 2016

All Lucy wanted to do during the massive snow storm that hit the East Coast last weekend was go outside and play in the snow. However, Lucy is not your ordinary 7-year-old. She has a rare immune deficiency called Job syndrome and is recovering from a bone marrow transplant she had in December at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) in Maryland.

When one of the nurses noticed how badly Lucy, along with other children at the hospital, wanted to play outside, she ventured into the cold, filled up tubs with enough snow to have a proper snowball fight and brought them back to the children.

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Photo: Jan Wiese / CBS News

But Lucy and the others were far more interested in building snowmen, including characters from Frozen, than having a snowball fight.

"This kind of thing is not unusual here at NIH. The nurses are incredibly compassionate and caring. They really look out for the kids and the parents, and it feels like a community," Lucy's mother, Jan Wiese said. "Lucy has been at NIH for almost eight weeks and has barely been able to leave her room, so it was so much fun for her to be able to play with the snow."

good news 2016
Photo: Jan Wiese / CBS News

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