9 Year-Old Girl Spends Her Free Time Building Shelters And Growing Food For The Homeless

June 7, 2015

9 year-old Hailey Fort began helping the homeless four years ago when she saw a homeless man on the side of the road and asked her mother if there was anything she could do.

They bought him lunch and from there, Hailey has taken it upon herself to help the needy.

She spends her free time building mobile sleeping shelters. Thanks to donations, each shelter costs only about $300 to build.

She plans to build 12 this year.

young girl builds shelters for homeless good news

"It just doesn't seem right that there are homeless people. I think everyone should have a place to live."

young girl builds shelters for homeless good news

She also started a garden, Hailey's Harvest, which she used to donate 128 pounds of produce in 2014.

Her goal this year is 250 pounds.

young girl builds shelters for homeless good news

In addition to food and shelters, she donates toiletries, feminine hygiene products, and clothing.

young girl builds shelters for homeless good news

Hailey documents her progress on her Facebook page, Hailey's Harvest. You can help her by making a donation to her GoFundMe page.

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