Young Supermarket Employee Leaves His Register To Walk A Senior Customer Home

June 1, 2015

Christian Trouesdale, an Aldi supermarket employee in Manchester, has become an internet hero for leaving work to walk a senior citizen home.

young supermarket employee walks elderly man home
Credit: Samantha-Jayne Brady / Facebook

The 18 year-old walked a 95 year-old customer home after he told Christian he was afraid of walking alone in strong winds.

The photo of Christian walking hand-in-hand with the man was taken by Samantha-Jayne Brady. She shared the photo on Facebook with the following caption:

"Need to share this, whilst working earlier we watched this lovely lad walking this little old man home. He wasn't very agile, nor fast but Christian walked with him ever so patiently and slowly, chatted along with him and carried his bag for him. It was a lovely thing to witness and they seemed to be having a good chit-chat along their way. High 5 to Aldi for letting him do this and high 5 to Christian from Aldi in horwich for his selfless, thoughtful and caring gesture! I desperately want this lad to get some kind of recognition from his workplace so if this gave you a little more faith in mankind PLEASE share! Good people still exist."

The photo has since been shared more than 76,000 times from her Facebook page, not including other media outlets covering the good deed.

Christian says he has received praise from all around the world and even locally, "a lady came up and hugged me and said she loved what I had done."

He described the attention as "very strange because this is just something I would normally do, my parents have raised me to treat other people like you want to be treated yourself."

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