About Two Weeks Ago I Was In A Supermarket. I Had Dashed In To Buy Some Raw Sugar.

By Jo • August 28, 2023

About two weeks ago I was in a supermarket. I had dashed in to buy some raw sugar.

Standing in the queue I was second in line to be served. I went to get my money out to be ready to pay and unconsciously let out a small shriek. I had left my purse in my car.

Silly me.

The lady beside me looked and I laughed and said oh I’ve just been dashing and not thinking and I have to go to my car to get my purse. I think I’ve left it on the seat.

The elderly woman stood in my way held up her arms and said oh no you only have some sugar I will pay for it.

I explained there was no need I actually had money it was just in the car.

No she wasn’t letting me out. The lady and her husband paid for my sugar and I felt very humble and thanked them a number of times.

I realise they had a sense of community and felt good helping out. I walked over to them afterwards and with permission gave them both a hug.

I went home and told my husband how special his packet of raw sugar for his coffee is.

I’m going back with flowers this weekend to see if I can find them. I’m also going to forward the kindness on and do something for a stranger. I still feel quiet humbled. Bless them.


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